Friday 15 May 2015

Palau Food

Mogmog海鲜餐厅(Mogmog Seafood Restaurant)
Mogmog海鲜餐厅(Mogmog Seafood Restaurant)
    Mog Mog Restaurant is located at the very heart of Koror, Palau. Our restaurant offers our customers a variety of Palauan Local Foods, Japanese and International Cuisine. We aslo serve local fresh fruit shakes. Other than our food, we provide a relaxing ambiance, quick service, with friendly and outgoing waitresses.
   DMG : USD 25 include drinks
    Operating hour:17:00-23:00

 爱丽莱餐厅(Elilai restaurant)
爱丽莱餐厅(Elilai restaurant)

Situated atop a hillside of Ngerkebesang Island with an uninterrupted view of the lagoon and the west side of Babeldaob, just minutes from downtown Koror, Elilai Restaurant offers an excellent menu featuring Japanese, Thai and Italian influenced Pacific Rim cuisine prepared with fresh local ingredients including Palau’s renowned fish and seafood and organic greens. 
DMG : USD 30
电 话:680-488-8866

 海浪餐厅(waves restaurant)
海浪餐厅(waves restaurant)

    特 色:This restaurant located in royal resort a fine dinner。Lux dinner come with performance.
    DMG : unknown
    营业时间:06:30-24:00;电 话:680-488-2000

Kyushu tavern

[Kyushu tavern]

Of the popular Sichuan-style hot pot shop at home atmosphere.
Kyushu tavern is recommended when reasonable to want to eat the pot and Chinese cuisine. Popular hot pot are two types of soup, enjoy two types of source of peanuts and sesame seeds.

Shopkeeper hole's cheerful personality, also a peace of mind when ordering so can speak Japanese.
Business hours18:00 to 22:30
Access: In the evening, get off at BBI shuttle "WCTC shopping center" before

Mingle @ ToToTo

ToToTo is an open air restaurant located in the downtown area across from WCTC Shopping Center. We are famous for our fresh sashimi and other seafood. A private meeting room (air conditioned) is available for a group of 6. We accept all major credit cards and travelers checks. Our prices ranges from $5-$15. We also serve freshly made pizzas and sushi.
Open Daily from 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight. Internet service is also available for $1.50 with Western Union Ikelau Branch inside the lobby area. SK Shop is also open for your last minute souvenir gifts. We sell turtle shell bracelets, necklaces and other genuine and unique gitt items.
- See more at:
ToToTo is an open air restaurant located in the downtown area across from WCTC Shopping Center. We are famous for our fresh sashimi and other seafood. A private meeting room (air conditioned) is available for a group of 6. We accept all major credit cards and travelers checks. Our prices ranges from $5-$15. We also serve freshly made pizzas and sushi.
Open Daily from 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight. Internet service is also available for $1.50 with Western Union Ikelau Branch inside the lobby area. SK Shop is also open for your last minute souvenir gifts. We sell turtle shell bracelets, necklaces and other genuine and unique gitt items.
- See more at:
P.O. Box 293
Email: minglespalau[at]
Phone: 680-488-4496 - See more at:
ToToTo is an open air restaurant located in the downtown area across from WCTC Shopping Center. We are famous for our fresh sashimi and other seafood. A private meeting room (air conditioned) is available for a group of 6. We accept all major credit cards and travelers checks. Our prices ranges from $5-$15. We also serve freshly made pizzas and sushi.
Open Daily from 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight. Internet service is also available for $1.50 with Western Union Ikelau Branch inside the lobby area. SK Shop is also open for your last minute souvenir gifts. We sell turtle shell bracelets, necklaces and other genuine and unique gitt items.
- See more at:
ToToTo is an open air restaurant located in the downtown area across from WCTC Shopping Center. We are famous for our fresh sashimi and other seafood. A private meeting room (air conditioned) is available for a group of 6. We accept all major credit cards and travelers checks. Our prices ranges from $5-$15. We also serve freshly made pizzas and sushi.
Open Daily from 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight. Internet service is also available for $1.50 with Western Union Ikelau Branch inside the lobby area. SK Shop is also open for your last minute souvenir gifts. We sell turtle shell bracelets, necklaces and other genuine and unique gitt items.
- See more at:
ToToTo is an open air restaurant located in the downtown area across from WCTC Shopping Center. We are famous for our fresh sashimi and other seafood. A private meeting room (air conditioned) is available for a group of 6. We accept all major credit cards and travelers checks. Our prices ranges from $5-$15. We also serve freshly made pizzas and sushi.
Open Daily from 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight. Internet service is also available for $1.50 with Western Union Ikelau Branch inside the lobby area. SK Shop is also open for your last minute souvenir gifts. We sell turtle shell bracelets, necklaces and other genuine and unique gitt items.
- See more at:
ToToTo is an open air restaurant located in the downtown area across from WCTC Shopping Center. We are famous for our fresh sashimi and other seafood. A private meeting room (air conditioned) is available for a group of 6. We accept all major credit cards and travelers checks. Our prices ranges from $5-$15. We also serve freshly made pizzas and sushi.
Open Daily from 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight. Internet service is also available for $1.50 with Western Union Ikelau Branch inside the lobby area. SK Shop is also open for your last minute souvenir gifts. We sell turtle shell bracelets, necklaces and other genuine and unique gitt items.
- See more at:

ToToTo is an open air restaurant located in the downtown area across from WCTC Shopping Center. We are famous for our fresh sashimi and other seafood. A private meeting room (air conditioned) is available for a group of 6. We accept all major credit cards and travelers checks. Our prices ranges from $5-$15. We also serve freshly made pizzas and sushi.
Open Daily from 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight. Internet service is also available for $1.50 with Western Union Ikelau Branch inside the lobby area. SK Shop is also open for your last minute souvenir gifts. We sell turtle shell bracelets, necklaces and other genuine and unique gitt items.
- See more at:

ToToTo is an open air restaurant located in the downtown area across from WCTC Shopping Center. We are famous for our fresh sashimi and other seafood. A private meeting room (air conditioned) is available for a group of 6. We accept all major credit cards and travelers checks. Our prices ranges from $5-$15. We also serve freshly made pizzas and sushi.
Open Daily from 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight. Internet service is also available for $1.50 with Western Union Ikelau Branch inside the lobby area. SK Shop is also open for your last minute souvenir gifts. We sell turtle shell bracelets, necklaces and other genuine and unique gift items. 

Mingles ToToTo

P.O. Box 293
Email: minglespalau[at]
Phone: 680-488-4496 - See more at:

Little Beijing 小北京餐厅

Little Beijing 小北京餐厅的图片 

帛琉天池川粵海鮮食府 –Tianchi 

帛琉天池廣東美食餐廳 - 紅樹林蟹 

帛琉天池廣東美食餐廳 - 椰子蟹 

帛琉天池廣東美食餐廳 - 水果蝙蝠湯 

電話:680-488-3629 operate hour:11:00 till14:00 and 17:00 till 21:30
DMG:Seafood dinner around USD25 pp.

Drop Off Bar & Grill

Drop-Off Bar & Grill

P.O. Box 293
Email: minglespalau[at]
Phone: 680-488-4496 - See more at:
P.O. Box 293
Email: minglespalau[at]
Phone: 680-488-4496 - See more at:


Located next to Ministry of Education Building, downtown Koror. Burgers, fries, grilled chicken, and more! - See more at:

Bem Ermii Burgers & Fries Best Burger in Palau.
 Image result for palau Bem & Ermii 
帕劳美食-汉堡车(Bem & Ermii)

Located next to Ministry of Education Building, downtown Koror. Burgers, fries, grilled chicken, and more!

Fuji Japanese Restaurant


P.O. Box 293
Email: minglespalau[at]
Phone: 680-488-4496 - See more at:

Wednesday 13 May 2015

macau food

玛嘉烈蛋挞 This is must try shop. Wife open de husband open de not so nice near this 半岛议事亭
从新普京出来右边直走,过一个街口看到周大福,隔壁的小巷进去就是大名鼎鼎的玛嘉烈蛋挞了,巷口有个招牌,没有标志估计就错过了,玛嘉烈再走一小会就到新 马路区域。蛋挞价格7元一个,不便宜哦,不过来澳门的不吃个把个蛋挞那就真的像是没来过一样了。吃的人很多,大家都是一杯饮料加蛋挞,几乎都是刚出炉,因 为每天派对的人也都很多啦

Image result for 玛嘉烈蛋挞

营业时间:星期一至日: 06:30-20:00,逢星期三休息

义顺牛奶公司 Alot of shop u wont miss it no worry
可别小看这家店哦,白天的人总是满满的,台湾本 土天王吴宗宪率他的名牌节目‘食字路口’在此录制呢!其中的双皮奶,姜汁撞奶可是推荐!(*此店在广州、顺德皆有店,而且更价廉物美,所以去过广东的 GGMM就forget it吧~),他们家的双皮奶很出名,很好吃。双皮奶有冻和热两种,冻的双皮奶上面那一层微微皱起的奶皮是整款美点最精华的部分,醇厚的奶香足以绕舌三日而 不绝。
Image result for 义顺牛奶公司
Image result for 义顺牛奶公司

营业时间:星期一至日: 09:30-23:00

潘荣记金钱饼 this also easy to find just around the Squre
Image result for 潘荣记金钱饼

营业时间: 12:00-18:00

莫义记大菜糕 not bad but nothing really special


大利來記咖啡室 Cafe Tai Lei Loi Kei dun oder the bun or burger just order the noodle with pork because the bun hard like rock
Image result for 大利來記咖啡室


黄枝记粥面专家 this shop got 2. dun go this one ask around for this OLD shop not far away.
dun try the wantan noodle try thier 虾子面 more special. wantan is so so only. thier chicken wing also nice.
有半个世纪历史的黄枝记,由于招牌挂的比较高所以大家在寻找的时候注意抬头。当然可以认准他的门面,古典古色的中国式红木门,气派!  看着菜单上的对 联:“無酒安能邀月飲,有錢最好食雲吞”。可想云吞在黄枝记的地位多高。不过我也坚信,好吃的云吞确实是一种享受。推荐他们家的云吞面、虾籽捞面,他们家 的云吞面是用枧水面、四粒云吞。晒一些葱花。很简单吧。但是面爽口弹牙,云吞的鲜虾也蛮新鲜。云吞里有大大只的虾,加上香菇的味道,很鲜美,面条细而有韧 性(澳门的所有面都是这样的,不管你是在赌场内60块钱一碗的面,还是普通档口十多块的面,一视同仁,都是一样的),汤底浓。
Image result for 黄枝记粥面专家left is new right is old shop


峰景餐厅 this really good


小飞象葡国餐厅 can try this and remember order the木糠布甸.... i love that but price a bit high


添发碗仔翅 must try damn cheap about rm20 with lots of shark fin.

this cost only 28 ....


祥记面家 this also noodle if u go this dun go the 黄枝记 because is the same
沿着福隆新街往下走,钜记手信祥记面家挨着很容易认出来,店铺里面周围的墙上也有关于祥记面家的报道(蔡澜推荐的哦~~)和传送中他家的面的制作方法。推 荐他家的虾籽和面汤,面就像图展示的是用竹子压擀出来的。确实很弹牙,很有口感。但是面也比较细,可能北方的童鞋会吃不习惯。虾籽招牌面,搅拌后,口感非 常好,弹牙爽口,虾籽也很有口感。但是就是咸了点。面汤一喝就知道是重料熬制的,绝对没有加味精。为了下面的战斗,大家要坚持住,不要点太多。哈哈


【澳門】獨特的黑胡椒燒鴨 - 陳光記 this must eat fucking nice

陳光記 澳門高士德大馬71號 (853) 2871-4415營業時間:09:30~22:30交通:公車 4、5、6、7、7A、9、9A、25、25X、23、33號 

新好利咖啡餅店 must EAT
明星商品 燕窩塔 12澳幣,台幣約48元

水舞間 Must book normally full
地址: 中國澳門新濠天地水舞間劇院
電話號碼: 853-88686688


澳門旅遊塔會展娛樂中心 Macau Tower Convention & Entertainment Centre

地址: 中國澳門南灣新填海區
電話號碼: 853-28933339
GOT XTREAME GAME for kids and adult pls more money and take video let us see

議事亭前地 Largo do Senado (Senado Square) 

地址: 中國澳門澳門半島中區 nite or morning also look nice



聖保羅大教堂遺址(大三巴牌坊) Ruins of St. Paul's Cathedral

must go  signature of macau 




钜记手信 jujishouxin THIS IS WHERE U BUY GIFT FOR US

LAST IF U GOT TIME U CAN VISIT THOSE CASINO 威尼斯人度假村 SHOPPING CENTER those temple temple waste of time even out penang look nicer. 
WHEN u pass by the macau tower u should see one big GUAN YIN there just snap photo will do. 

Once u arrive get a tourist map so u can move easily. Always travel by casino bus. and plan the food routhing that u wanna go .